TERRA Analiz ve Ölçüm Cihazları Ticaret A.Ş.


A fully automated Sieverts instrument for measuring gas (CO2, CH4, C2H6, N2, H2) sorption properties of materials


The PCTPro is based on the Sievert’s method.A sample at known pressure and volume is connected to a reservoir of known volume and pressure through an isolation valve.Opening the isolation valve allows new equilibrium to be established. Gas sorption is determined by difference in actual measured pressure (Pf) versus calculated pressure (Pc).PCTPro is designed for the measurements of gas sorption on a single sample with a wide range of multiple dosing volumes combined with PID Pressure and PID Temperature control systems.

Types of measurements include:

  • Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) dynamic measurements
  • True kinetics and rate constants over the full sorption or desorption range as a function of pressure and temperature
  • Pressure-Composition Isotherms (PCT, PCI) for determination of equilibrium temperatures, pressures, and thermodynamics(fi gure below).
  • Charge and discharge cycling with repeated kinetic measurements to study long- term cycling effects on capacity and kinetics.

The PCTPro is well suited for gas-solid sorption in any forms (powders, bulk, films), as well as gas-liquid sorption.

For more information; click here.

T.G. 5178

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