CALISTO comprises two independant parts:
- CALISTO ACQUISITION for the control of SETARAM Thermal Analysis Systems
- CALISTO PROCESSING for the treatment of ANY Thermal Analysis Data independent of instrument type and manufacturer.
CALISTO ACQUISITION software is dedicated for the control of SETARAM Thermal Analysis Systems:
- Program acquisition procedures (all experimental conditions and parameters)
- Control one or more Setaram systems via a PC
- Save experiment signals and monitor their progress in real time
- Change experimental conditions during an experiment
- Trigger acquisition of other equipment (mass spectrometers, FTIR,…)
CALISTO ACQUISITION software is available for the exciting NEW range of EVO products and is also compatible with existing SETARAM products.
CALISTO ACQUISITION provides a unique combination of ease-of-use and intuitive operation as well as powerful control of your Setaram systems.
CALISTO PROCESSING software is designed for the treatment of any Thermal Analysis Data independent of instrument type and manufacturer.
- Imports files saved in CALISTO Acquisition
- Imports signal files from other equipment (mass spectrometers, FTIR, …)
- Treats recorded signals
CALISTO PROCESSING offers the most powerfull tools available for Baseline Selection / Substraction, Peak deconvolution / Separation, Data Presentation, Data Export , Cp (Heat Capacity) determination.
For more information; click here.