C80 (Calorimetry)
Incomparable precision of measurement: the 3D Calvet sensor totally surrounds the sample, and all heat evolved is measured. Now matter how small or large the thermal transformation the system provides a complete picture of the event.
Absolute calibration: with a three-dimensional transducer the sensitivity of the C80 is independent of:
- The weight, form and nature (powder, fiber, liquid, etc.) of the sample
- Any contact between the sample and the transducer
- The type of crucible used
- The nature of the sweeping gas (inert, oxidizing, wet) and its flow rate.
Flexibility using the power of the detector, and the wide range of available vessels the C80 calorimeter offers the ability to simulate almost any process condition:
- Isothermal calorimeter: the heat measurement is performed at a constant temperature
- Scanning calorimeter: the heat measurement is performed during a temperature program
- Reaction calorimeter: mixing vessels allow for the simulation of reaction conditions, liquid/liquid, solid/liquid and even gas phase reactions can be measured.
- Cp Measurement, liquids, solids and powders
- Heats of solution and many more.
Ease of operation: dedicated market leading CALISTO software that is not only intuitive but powerful enough to perform every typical experiments and data treatment.
For more information; click here.
T.G. 2573